

Have you ever gone to mall or supermarket? Well, is there someone who help you to park your vehicle? Right, he is a parking attendant. Some people think that he is very useful because of his help. However, some others think that he is useless.
Some people think that parking attendant can help them park their vehicle. For beginner driver, they really depend on parking attendant because they don’t have good skill in driving yet. Besides, the parking attendant also take care of the vehicle, so the people will feel safe to leave their vehicle. Parking attendant supervises the vehicle all times. He can memorize who the owner of the vehicle easily. So, they will not give permission for someone to take it.
However, some people feel aggrieved with this parking attendant. They set parking rate arbitrarily. In one place with different parking attendant, parking rate is different too. This case is caused by there is no certain parking rate. Moreover, some of parking attendant just come when the owner of the vehicle takes their vehicle. They must pay for parking, although the parking attendant don’t keep their vehicle and leave it.
Needless to say, most of people need parking attendant to park their vehicle. But, not all parking attendant does their duty well.


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